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Chord Tone Soloing through Note Targeting
Target Notes the Easy Way (guitar solos to the next level)
Tone Targeting In 1 4 5 Blues
Chord Tone Soloing Series (part 1) - Targeting Chord Tones in the "Home Box"
HOW TO PRACTICE - PART 1 | Mastering Chord Tones for Changes Playing | TOM QUAYLE LESSON
Chord Tones and Target Notes - A Simple Explanation
Intro to Chord-Tone Soloing
Land on THESE notes when improvising lead guitar - Guitar Lesson - EP527
Chord Tone Soloing Secrets
How to NAIL the Tasty MAJOR THIRDS in a 12 Bar BLUES SOLO! (chord tones) Guitar Lesson
The RIGHT Way to Improvise with CHORD TONES for Better Solos
Chord Tone Soloing is EASY - 3 Reasons Why!